Battery Storage
The Trafford Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is at an advanced stage of development, with a fast-track National Grid connection due to be completed in mid-2023.
Battery energy storage is a key technology for the transition to low carbon power generation. Once operational, the Trafford facility will operate in the UK energy market, provide reserve and ancillary services to the grid, and be capable of capturing multiple income streams. BESS is an essential enabling technology for Net Zero as the proportion of intermittent renewable power generation increases.
The Trafford BESS project is being developed in several blocks, providing an opportunity to invest in large-scale, 250MW projects, at an advanced stage of development. The site is strategically placed on the National Grid system for the 400KV transmission network and high-pressure natural gas, as well as being close to the proposed HyNet Hydrogen networks.
Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park
The project is located on Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park, in a long-time industrial area on the site of an old coal fired power station. Trafford Energy Park is being developed as a multi-stage, multi-faceted energy development to support Greater Manchester’s net zero 2038 target – along with the UK’s net zero 2050 target.
These projects include:
Li-ion Battery Energy Storage
Cryobattery - Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES)
Green hydrogen production facility
Potential hydrogen fuelled combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT)
Net zero industrial projects
Location: Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park, Carrington, Manchester.
Scale: approximately £80 million
Sector: Sustainable infrastructure
Asset class (sub-sector): Battery energy storage
Investment type: Equity, flexible
Planning status: Detailed planning obtained for 50MW with 5hr duration (/250MWh). An amendment has been granted to permit for 250MW with 1hr duration (/250MWh).
Time to Final Investment Decision (FID): 0-6 months